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4 Festive Email Drip Campaigns

‘Tis the season to be upping your email game or start planning for the New Year if you haven’t already. And, what better way to strategize than revamping or starting your automatic email drip campaigns. But, while you might not know where to start, we have 4 achievable drip sequences that work for any industry.

What is an email drip campaign?

Email drip campaigns are pre-written and automated messages created to maintain engagement and drive conversions. So, instead of manually sending every email, marketers can set up triggers — such as opt-ins or purchases — and have a campaign run on its own. Mind-blowing and time saving - we know!

Why are email drip campaigns effective?

According to Campaign Monitor, autoresponder emails make setting up drip campaigns fast, easy and very affordable. For each dollar spent on drip marketing in 2016, the average ROI was about $38.

Email automation campaigns are constantly working in the background, allowing target messages based on a series of actions to be given to your customers and followers at all times. Plus, while these messages are being sent you can be reviewing data and adjusting messages or creating more niche and segmented lists based on user behavior. The amount of behind the scenes data that can be achieved with drip campaigns makes the nerdy, analytical side in us jump for joy.

So, what sequences can you add to your digital marketing strategy? Here are our favorite four:

1. Welcome Campaign

A simple but effective welcome series of emails offers you the ability to put a personal touch on new clients and followers. Start by introducing yourself, your values and continue by expanding on your products and services you offer. Welcome series are a great intro to your brand and a chance to see what customers and followers are truly interested in.

Pro Tip: Make it really worth it to your customers by throwing in something free for them like a helpful resource or tip.

2. Survey Series Campaign

When you’re looking for some insight into what content or service you should be providing customers and followers, surveys are a great place to find that data. You can hear from real life people who interact most with your brand on what you should be doing and help your subscribers feel like their opinions matter.

3. Product or Service Suggestion Campaign

We’ve all seen the “you may also like these” suggestions while shopping on Amazon. So, what better way to push that strategy into an email campaign for your subscribers. Put together a campaign that solves your subscribers problems with tandem courses, products or articles.

4. Re-engagement Campaign

Even the most interactive subscribers can fall off your radar, especially when they get busy. A re-engagement campaign allows you to purge your subscriber base regularly to keep engagement rates healthy and more accurate data on your email lists.

Ready to get jolly with email automations? We hope so! And, if you ever need some help setting them up, testing, launching or getting creative with new campaign ideas, connect with us.


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