By now, hashtags aren’t new, although if you’re a marketing nerd like us, you’re probably always staying on top of ways to optimize or throw them into a witty conversation. If you’re not, that’s okay, we’re here to help simplify and spotlight the best ways to optimize your #HashtagGame.

Let’s start off by defining a hashtag. A hashtag is a label used on social media sites that makes it easier to find information with a theme or specific content. Hashtags encourage social media users to explore content that catches their eye. Aka, if you aren’t optimizing your hashtags, you’re missing valuable followers.
1. They Aren’t Just for Instagram
Many times hashtags are talked about in terms of Instagram, probably because with up to 30 hashtags per post, Instagram was the first place they went crazy. But, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook all optimize and recognize hashtags in their search queries, content and explore tabs. So, when thinking about how to optimize your hashtag strategy, you should be reviewing all platforms.
2. Don’t #Dump
Yes, we know you can use hashtags to the max, but just throwing around hashtags into a post isn’t a strategy. Too many times, brands throw in unnecessary hashtags into their content which not only makes reading the content hard, but most times if you look at the content under that hashtag it’s not something your brand would be associated with, to begin with, which means you aren’t reaching your target audience.
And, while controversial, we’ve found from our years of experience that keeping to 3-5 brand relevant hashtags on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn actually optimizes your strategy more than dumping a hashtag in every other word.
Pro Tip: If you have to use them in the sentence, keep it to 3 max.
3. Keep Them Relevant
While it may seem obvious, you need to strategize what hashtags you are using. Do some research on which ones are trending and how many times it has been used. If it’s not being used that much, it’s not being seen and therefore you’re again missing catching the eyes of those potential followers.
4. Keep a List, Categorize it & Review it
While doing your research on trending hashtags, keep a list of all the hashtags you can come up with. Categorize them based on demographics within your industry which helps direct your social team on which they should use based on the post content. Then, you’ll want to set up regular reviews monthly to determine which hashtags are performing. Trends change, and you want to be utilizing the most relevant hashtags when possible.
5. Keep an Eye on Placement
Too many times hashtag overload can clutter up your message. We’ve all seen the post that every other word is a hashtag or you can’t determine between a link and the hashtag. Tidy up your hashtags on IG and LinkedIn by putting them at the bottom of a post or in the comments. We also suggest capitalizing separate words within a hashtag if using them within the sentence on Twitter and Facebook (ie: #MakeItACapitalLetter).
You probably thought those pesky hashtags were just floaters on social media. But, they can be extremely useful when optimized correctly and analyzed regularly. If you need some help, connect with us. #ThatsAllFolks.